As Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (Luke 2:22), we at Central, are honored to come alongside you as you dedicate your child to the Lord. Dedication is an important part of a child's life, as we believe that our children ultimately belong to the Lord. However, it is more than just a one-day event; it is a lifelong journey to raise your children to fully know and love Jesus Christ.

Before the dedication day, the parent(s) will attend a class, led by our Central Kids Pastor, Andrea Imbragulio. This class will be held on Monday, October 2, 2023 from 6-7pm in the downstairs kids' preschool room at Central. Following this class, you will be able to sign up for Child Dedication during either our 9:30am or 11am service time.

Our Child Dedication service will take place on October 8th. We ask you to join us 30 minutes prior to the service start time for a brief reception. You will then be seated in our reserved parent seating area. This is a celebratory day, so invite your family and friends to attend, as your church family stands behind you in prayer.

You will initially register ONE parent/guardian. Upon registration submission, you will be directed to complete an online information form entitled "Child Dedication Request" which will capture all required information.